Friday, October 11, 2024

Losing your best friend- Preview so far of 2024


It's been forever since I posted a lot of blogs. This year has been crazy in itself. Where do I begin, In January we left for Florida for the next 6 months little did we know that 13 weeks later this would be the last time we drove over the bridge as in March 26th of this year the key bridge was destroyed but then again we are kind of getting a head of ourselves. February we celebrated my grandfathers 98th birthday once again who would have know that 5 months later in August that we would lose him which is what this post is about but before i get into it more, I have more to go on with through this year, March he fell and we believe then that he had a stroke because in April and May he continued to go down hill. Also in March as I wrote above was the bridge collapse and the impact that we still feel today. April we lost our neighbors dog Carlos also little did we know 5 months later that we would lose the other dog Shadow. May brought my birthday, Mothers day and a trip to the hospital/trauma center with lights and sirens due to MS issues which becomes interesting cause a month later the same thing happens but not at severe as what happen in May. June brought us barley making it home from Florida after an eventful trip with trying to get my grandfather in the camper after loosing his arms and legs from his possible stroke and him being in so much pain coming home not mention the day we get home and trying to figure out how we are going to get him out with just us or whether or not us calling 911 for a lift assist but was able to get his neighbors to kind of help us in getting him in the wheel chair and into the house which was the start of a long 5 months of ups and downs with him and getting hospice involved. It also brought our elementary 100 year Centennial celebration and being able to see all my old teachers and students that I used to hang out with. July came with miserable heat well the whole summer did a 4th of July party, and once again many ups and downs with my grandfather. August was nothing but a miracle in itself between the continuing down fall of my grandfather until his passing at the end of the month to the attempted assassination of Trump at PA rally. The day he passed was the same day as the key bridge collapsed in march and carlos death in April but what was more interesting was that this day August 26th was his mothers birthday my great grandmothers birthday. Now rolls September the funeral of pops which couldn't have been better even though we didn't really do a viewing full funeral that will be mention sometime in the spring of next year when we do a buge memorial service in honor of him which will be interesting between who is all going to be invited or come I know with the people I wanted to invite which is some of my church family who got to meet him over the last couple of summers after having to make shirts and more for parades and other events. To people from our community who saw me post or his obituary and had text me about funeral arrangements. So I'm looking at maybe 100 or so if not 70 people showing up or coming and going.  Im going to miss him. It's been 3 weeks since hes been gone and I still want to call him ect, funny moments with him looking back and know im so bless this year before he started to go down hill was the fact that i normally dont ride with him in FL and I did for those last 3 months until he couldn't do it any more. Im sure this will be a part 2 to this blog as the rest of the months of this year goes by