Friday, July 15, 2016

New Month

Hello blogger's:

It's been forever since my last post and lots have been going on. This Saturday is going to be the hardest for me as my uncle's one year is coming up since he passed from ALS. So I'm going to break it down for you guys on whats been going on since the last post and what new things are going on.

1. First of all the last post I posted on was on Easter and I mention that I was going to Tennessee for a christian conference called Warrior Fest. It was amazing. Best trip and worth my time. I had my doubts but I'm glad I decided to go. Best experience in my life both personally and spiritually. With that trip I got to take a tour of the most famous christian college there called Lee University and that was an amazing trip there. We got to meet some of the  students and staff there since some of us was interested to attend being the fact I was one of them even though I have been out of school for 7 years. LOL. Also I did talk about my best friend getting engaged this month as well on March 2nd. So lots of wedding stuff and wedding planning. I can't wait.

2. Second of all more wedding stuff we found our dresses both her wedding and my/our bridesmaids dresses. I'm so excited and I cant wait to try it on since they came in. I can't wait to plan the bridal shower and the batchelorette party as well. Most of the wedding stuff has been done and we are just counting down until the day. This is also special for me because my 2nd mother who is like a stepmother to me other then my biological mother is getting married this year/this September which is really soon and I can't wait. I will finally get to see her walk down the isle and I can't wait see that moment and share that moment. It will be defiantly emotional for me.

3. I also celebrated my 25th birthday in May as well. We also celebrated Memorial Day as well as The 4th of July and more. There were also some funerals that I had to attend this yea as well. a total of 4 not so much fun sadly one of them a child funeral is never fun.

This just some I have more to post but will do in another post either later this week or for next month. I will also post some of the pictures under this post on my Facebook page as well for you all to see.

Well I'll send you off with this bloggers. Until next time.

