Sunday, February 12, 2017

What a year so far

Hello bloggers,

I don't know where to start or how is that it's almost March and we have just flew pass February.

I'm still in Florida and loving it but still missing home. I can't say this this year didn't have its ups and downs already. On December 19th while I was in Florida on my first day I was taken by ambulance to the hospital after finding out that I had a minor heart attack caused by a severe stressed anxiety panic attack for unknown reasons why because the fact I shouldn't have been stressed out because I wasn't working and I was on vacation here in Florida. I had most of the classic signs of a heart attack and  panic attack. If that wasn't the last of my worried on February 8th I was taken back to the hospital for a minor concussion after a car accident. Followed by the end of that week with my grandfather following me behind with the flu. I know I always write negative effects on my blog. But in a way I relized that God is by my side always and always will be.

Hope to write more. I can't wait until next month because I fly back to be with my best friend for her bridal shower, concert and  Bachelorette  party.


Monday, January 30, 2017

Welcome to 2017

Hello bloggers:

Where do I even begin. There is so much to write and I've been away from my blogging for a while now.

So many things have happen this month good and bad but mostly good. This is the year for lots and lots of babies. Almost every one I know is due this year. This year marks my best friends wedding in less then 3 months. Is coming really fast. I can't belive it.

Hope to be blogging more this year then last.

Love Morgs