Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Patty's Day

Hello Bloggers,

Once again my favorite holiday comes around and I'm proud to say I'm Irish. I love celebrating my heritage of being Irish and Welsh. Dressing up in green and listening to Irish and Celtic music and also Irish dancing. I'm sure I have a video of me dancing or some sort. My plans this year is going out and celebrating with friends and putting on an Irish dance show for them. We should see how this goes. I also love attending the Maryland Irish Festival in November.

Well that is it for this day. I hope to post some more videos and pics of this up later.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Welcome 2018

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

What a year so far. So much has happen since and I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. 2018 started out a rough year but I have some amazing and exciting news. I'm finally crossing out some of my bucket list things off this year which includes a trip to the great state of California. My best friend who I wrote about last year who get proposal to and married is moving or had already moved to California. I'm so exited to visit and hang out for a little over a week there. Also many news is the fact that my other friend and her brother are both getting married 4 months apart with there spouses. 2018 is looking up to be a great year even though it started out rocky.

I hope to continue to write more. I also starting writing fanfiction stories and more and I can't wait to share them with you. If you have anymore topics that you would love for me to discus let me know I will also post my friends brother or is like a brother to me proposal video if it will let me post it. I cant wait.