Monday, August 29, 2016

September 2016

Hello Blogger's,

Today's blog was nothing. Pretty much had an interesting weekend that started on Saturday. Went out on the boat everything was going well had a bunch of people out with us mostly family and friends. some of us were on my boat others were on their boats and we just met up and tied up together on the island when we arrived. Well that plan didn't really work well about 10 minutes in to the trip we were all laughing I slip and fell hard didn't think much of it since we were all laughing including me and the rest of us, I got up and sat back down next thing I know is that I was starting to bottom out. For those who don't know what that is in medical terms it means that my BP dropped very low and I fell unconscious. This happen not once but three times before I decided that there would be no fun for me that day. By the next day I was still feeling like crap but felt better to go to church and hang out with my friends at church before we left to go to to my grandfather's 90th surprise birthday. I wanted to also say that's it's one more day before September and lots are going to be happening between school going back into session, football season, weddings and fall TV season premieres. 

We are down to 18 days left until my 2nd mother gets married to her best friend. I can't wait it seems just like yesterday we were hanging out when we first met almost 20 years ago. I know I will be sobbing happy tears. This month has been crazy because as I wrote on my last blog post we celebrated her bridal shower and came to find out that they are writing their own vowels. I can't wait to hear what they wrote. I can't wait to take many pictures and videos as well as snap chat all these videos and pictures as well.

This weekend we celebrated pop's 90th birthday with a surprise birthday party for him with over 150 people. Let's just say that he was surprise but it was a bitter sweet but sad moment that grand mom couldn't be there to celebrate it with him and the rest of the family since it has been a year since she past. But I know granny was diffidently looking down on us from heaven and celebrating as well.

I know that this post says September 2016 as the title and it's not really quite yet I'm going to write some more later on this month as well though out the weeks and update some more.

With love always


Monday, August 15, 2016

August 2016

Hello Bloggers,

It's that time of the year again for school to start backup and for the kids to go back and the parents to be happy about that. it's also the time where summer 2016 is starting to end. This summer has been crazy and tons of things have been happening.

We are at a new month now. I just wanted to write we finally got our boat in the water at the end of May beginning of July but hadn't really took it out too much due to some issues with the engines and so forth. This Sunday well yesterday we were able to take her out for a little over 4 hrs to ride around with out having issues. This weekend was also our youth rally which was amazing and as well as the pirate weekend at Rock Hall, MD. I'm looking forward to be able to go again next year with our boat and getting all dresses up with the music as well.

I'm having a hard time on what I need to write about since I haven't been writing to much on my blog site like I had plan too but I'm trying to catch up on my daily logs. I will have more to write when next year comes because of the wedding but as of right now we are still in the planning stages and trying to get everything worked out with that. I can't wait. Also next next month can't come soon enough as my 2nd mother is getting remarried and I'm so excited for her and her new husband.
I told her i wanted to do her engagement pics as well since she is spending a lot of money for her wedding so we shall see.

I also can't wait for football season which they already started the preseason already for the Baltimore Ravens and the fall TV programs that will be becoming out next month.

With that I will be closing. Hoping to write more interesting stories and so forth on my page. If you want some funny adult humor of daily life follow my aunt her site and page is also on my facebook page as well. and I will also be posting more with details.

With love,
