Thursday, November 9, 2023

Trunk or Treat

Our annual fall fest trunk or treat I have been with the church for 15 years being doing it for 10 years. This years theme was Hocus Pocus from Disney. I will post some of the pics from this year and previous years. 

These 2 were from this year 2023 

2015 or 2016 2021

My MS Journey

It's been a while probably almost 3 years since I posted and a year since I updated with the 2022 health scare that turn into me being dignosed with MS or Multiple Sclerosis. Since then everything has been pretty good. Still learning about my new dignosed but also celebrated my 1 year of it this past September. I did have my first spell with this one of the issues with mine is heat and cold intolerance where I can't be in the heat because I don't realized I'm cooking myself and same with the cold where I look possessed due to spasms in my body by the cold. I have so much to be thankful for and can't wait for Thanksgiving. With that being said I'm due next week to have my next infusion for the MS. But on a good note when I had my updated MRI it seemed like the meds were working and they were shrinking well one of the big ones I had but now I have a new issue with my cardic stand point. The good news is that they were worried for a TAAA or triple A but they have rule that out for now or so we think but when they did the CT the found some mod-severe narrowing in the aorta from where I had the corartation of the aorta surgery 30 years ago as a baby. They want me to come back to do extended testing including an echo to check if I will need to have surgery or just wait another 2 years or so. So that is the up date for now. I have one more to add for October. I'm going to try to update these at lease once a month if I can. 

2022 Health Scare and the Reason why

 Hello viewers,

I'm back again and like I said in my last post this is an update with my health this last year. My health continued to decline with no answers. This continued until it got worse when the fall of 2022 I became paralyzed after seeing the nurse practitioner and them telling me there was nothing wrong and that I should just go the physical therapy. I was pissed because i wasn't getting the answers I needed and it seemed like I was making it all up and I knew something was wrong and i'm not even a doctor. I forgot to mention the day i saw her I had a major fall before seeing her that almost costed me a call to 911 only because my body was numb and locked up and I couldn't move to get out of the tub which ended up taking be an hr plus before i was finally able. Looking back on this and knowing there were other signs that I didn't think much of until now. A funny moment to this after everything was that shower scene and getting out I looked like Marv from Home Alone 2 where Marv electrocutes himself and hes crawling on his hands and knees shaking thats how i was because i had no strength left to even stand yet alone walk which was the start of me declining in those past two weeks were i was using a cane then walked and now loosing all strength to me being put into a wheelchair. The week after seeing her i was scheduled with my primary care the next week, Once again the rest of the week and the next week I continue to go down hill now i cant state a bath or shower yet alone stand, having back pain and numbness and cold feet in both legs and waist. I can't even climb into my bed now. I'm having spams and shakes that are not normal and uncontrolled. Finally the day comes and it's September 9th 2022 where my dr looks at me and says can I see you walk and I can barely get out of the wheelchair to walk to her before almost falling on top of her, She tells me to sit back down I do and decided to check out my reflex only to find they are not normal reflexes and she is worried about a spine issues she looks at me and tells me I dont feel comfortable sending you home and I think this is spinal problem one that shows paralyses  because i can barely walk yet alone stand she automatically tells me i think we need to red line you to the ER which means you need to go down and im calling down so you can been seen faster. I finally get there which is good because the ER is across the dr office down one floor. I finally get there and they had a trauma team standing by from the ICU there ready to ventilate me due to the fact that i was showing paralyses and were worried about it spreading from my waist were it was and now going higher. Which with good news it never did. They finally called in the neuro team with others after realizing that something wasn't right and decided that it would be a good choice to do a MRI of not only the spine but the head and brain as well. and I will also post some of the scan pics I was able to get including some of the other reports I have. 

Fast forward I finally get the scans and we are waiting and the dr says that they think they know whats going on they came up with 2 things it could be. 1. That it was MS or Multiple Sclerosis or 2. Brain cancer but they had a good feeling from what I was describing that it was number 1 which was MS but they needed confirmation with those scans and another test called a spinal tap but they wouldn't be able to do it until Sunday and that will be another post i will write more of the confirmation of the findings. 

thats it for this blog. 

I'm back

 Hello viewers,

Lots has been happening since my last update. it's been a long time since I last posted almost 2 years or in this case a year and half. The updated post which was posted today was actually back in 2021. My health continues to decline and we still don't know why and that was until last year in September which will be posted more on what was found out other then that between COVID and other crazy shutdowns between that and just in general yeah. Not really much to talk about with this post other then explaining that from 2021 and the health update same old same old, 

New Adventure Begins (This is also posted on my Cali Blog)

Hello Bloggers,

Welcome to another new blog. I'm taking a leap of faith and adventure and traveling to California to visit my best friend who moved to California with her husband. I'll be down there for 10 days and I can't wait to see what going to happen down there. I love to have you come here and explore this blog with me and my adventures. I will be posting some if all of my Cali trip with pics and videos. Follow my blog and events that I'm attending while I'm here and share my page. I'm so excited to start this new chapter in my life and to say that I finally get to visit the west coast and enjoy all the fun things to do there and also share my experiences with others. Until next time keep an eye out on all my new adventures.

Flying out to Cali (Day 1)

Hello Bloggers,

Today is the day. Today I take a trip of a lifetime. During these 10 days I will be traveling all over California, San Fran and different little towns. Visiting Little Italy, Pier 39, Napa and Santa Cruz and other places as well. During these days I look forward to visiting many and exciting places and sharing these places with you on this blog followed by many pictures and videos. I'm taking this trip by myself and for the first time this is the first time I'm taking a plane ride that's more then 2 hrs. long. I'm staying with my friend and her husband who lives there now and I can't wait. I'm going to be scheduling these blogs for the next day so when I write these I'm doing it on the same day/night before they are posted. The other thing is this is going to be interesting for me with the new change in time zone. I cant wait to share more of my adventures with you and check out my page on Facebook Daily life of Morgan with all the posts of my trip so you can keep updated.

What a year so far

Where do I even start with so much happening and my last two posts and with this year. 

Between my health issues and losing my stepfather to celebrating my 30th birthday but the day before my birthday my neighbor told me that she was pregnant after miscarriage her first and she was already 3 months in and didn't look like she was 3 month. Well yesterday she texted me and told me that she was having issues with her pregnancy. My heart dropped. I'm worried sick that this is not going to be good. And I hope she doesn't lose this baby. 

Therapy is doing great. I finally got most of my tests results back still waiting for others to come back not including ones that I haven't done yet.  More to write. Im so behind in all my blogging and like i said before with all the health issues its been a mess. 

Day 1 and 2 of Cali Adventure

Hello bloggers,

What a day. I finally relized that i cant do long trips on a plane with my anxiety espically full packed plane.

I was perfectly fine leaving Baltimore by the time we flew over Milwaukee I had gotten very sick on the flight all the way to Cail. By the time we flew over Denver i was so bad that when i came out of the bathroom white as a ghost probably dehydrated and the amazing flight crew of Southwest took care of me plus asked me if i wanted i wanted medical at the gate to check me out. And i said no that i would be fine. So that was day one arriving yesterday to Cali.

Day included heading the the day spa early in the morning and shopping. On they way down we ran into a whole bunch of police for someone getting arrested which includes fire and ems. Getting lunch as well. I'm so excited for this new adventure to take on with my best friend and who is also like a sister to me,